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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Result pagination not working anymore since (I think) upgrade to WordPress 4.4.8

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  • olivier GUY

    Hi Trevor,

    The result pagination does not work correctly anymore. The only event I can think of to explain this is an upgrade to WordPress 4.4.8 that was automatically operated by my internet access supplier.
    At the bottom of the result list, there is now a duplication of some of the results. Whatever search I do, and whatever result page I display, these duplicated results are always the same (results #5 to #20 in the default order when the search form opens).

    This snapshot shows you what happens:

    Thank you for your help.

    Olivier GUY

    Trevor Moderator

    Is there a reason why you are still on the WordPress 4.4.x series and not the 4.7.x series? I cannot say either way, but that may be the issue.

    Anyway, can you confirm that you are using S&F Pro v2.3.3? If not, please upgrade to this. You may need to do a manual installation (using ftp). If you have a version prior to S&F Pro v2.3.1, do NOT delete the plugin from WP Admin, as doing so will delete your forms also. v2.3.1 onward does not have this issue.

    olivier GUY

    My version is 2.1.2. I am going to try an update to 2.3.3.

    Trevor Moderator

    With a version prior to v2.3.1, you may need to do the update manually (after downloading from your account area):

    Manual installation instructions:

    1) Deactivate S&F in WP Admin Plugins page (do not delete, otherwise you will lose your search form)
    2) Via FTP, delete search-filter-pro folder from the wp-content\plugins folder on your server. If you wish to keep the folder, just in case, do NOT rename it, instead move it UP a folder into the wp-content folder.
    3) Unzip the file that you have downloaded.
    4) Upload the search-filter-pro folder to the wp-content\plugins folder on your server.
    5) Activate Search & Filter Pro

    olivier GUY

    Thanks. My version is now 2.3.3 but the problem is still there.

    Additional information :

    -when I open the search form > the problem occurs
    -I reload the page in the browser > the problem still occurs
    -I go to result page #2 > the problem still occurs
    -I reload page #2 in the browser > the problem disappears and everythinkgs goes back to normal

    Also, I have checked on different browsers. The behaviour is identical on every browsers.


    Trevor Moderator
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    olivier GUY
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    Trevor Moderator
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    olivier GUY
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    Trevor Moderator


    You have the shortcode method enabled, and that uses the results.php template. But, when I go to your theme folder, and find the search-filter folder in that, I open the results.php file and it appears to be empty?

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