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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display results of image search II

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  • Ernst Wilhelm Grüter

    Hello Trevor. I have minor questions.

    1st. Is there an easy way to display the search criteria in the results.php at the very beginning.
    2nd. The php function (?) the_content shows the thumbnail size. Is there an easy way to display mid size or large size?

    Best regards, Ernst Wilhelm

    Trevor Moderator


    #1 Not ‘easy’ but it can be done. I think it is something we plan to make much easier in the next major release (V3), which are currently working on and is some months away. This was asked a few days ago, so it might be better for me to link you to my reply to that:

    #2 Could you give me a link to a page with the results of a search on so that I can look?

    Ernst Wilhelm Grüter

    Hi Trevor.

    #1 Sounds great. If this is coming with a further release, perfect.
    #2 I just had a look via ftp and realized the there are 13 files with different names for one image. The resolution is added to the filename in numbers like _600x400. I thought of 3 with a filename extension like _small _midth _large .
    Not that important anymore.

    Many thanks, Ernst Wilhelm.

    Trevor Moderator

    The number of image files is because WordPress creates different sizes of the uploaded image to work with different plugins and screen sizes. Were these uploaded as media files and not posts? The search would be on media posts if this is the case.

    Ernst Wilhelm Grüter

    I need to check this. Which does do exist are the upload, what happens after creating a gallery. Will come back on this.

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