Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searching on meta fields via text search (woocommerce)

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  • Trevor

    Searching custom fields and taxonomies from the textual Search box is possible if you install the free Relevanssi plugin, set it to do that (the box to ask it to search custom fields needs the word all in it). You then enable support in the Advanced settings tab of the form.


    Does this also apply to the search and filter plugin? I have a search box and when I put in a keyword, it’s not showing the post that has that keyword in the abstract. Do I also need to download the Relevanssi plugin?



    A standard WP search from a search (text) box looks only in Titles and Content. It does not look in Taxonomies, Custom Fields or Excerpts. Sometimes it does not look inside shortcodes either, which can be an issue if you use a page builder like Visual Composer. Plugins like Relevanssi and WP Extended Search enable you to choose what part of posts ARE indexed.

    This page in the documentation applies.

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