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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Tags not working in Search

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  • Pravash Karki

    I’ve included a post tag in search under Tags, Categories and Taxonomies. But when I search the tag, it is not working.
    Also, is there any way to include all the tags by default without including one by one?

    Trevor Moderator

    By default, if that field is empty, they are ALL included. So, that being said, there must be some other issue.

    If you have added includes to categories, for example, any post that does not have one or more of the ones you have in that field will be excluded. So, if the tag you entered is on a post that does not have one of the included categories, it will not show in results or count. Therefore, be very careful when you use includes and excludes, as they can have unintended consequences.

    Pravash Karki

    Ok. I’ve removed the tag from includes. I’ve updated and rebuilt the cache. It is not working.
    What I need is to exclude posts from search but their tags should be searchable.

    I’ve unchecked “Posts” from “Search in following post types” under General tab. That excluded the posts from search. But the tag issue is not solved.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Pravash Karki
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Pravash Karki

    There is a single search text field at the header section. I need to search packages with tags and categories too. Which are not working, right now solved with some other code. But, need to know whether single search field work with tags, categories or not.


    Trevor Moderator


    Ah. OK. Single Textual Search field to look in Tags and Categories. You will need to add one of two free plugins to take over the normal WordPress (text) search (which is what we use by default).

    Install either Relevanssi or WP Extended Search (the latter is not officially supported by us but does seem to work). The documentation for supporting Relevanssi is here.

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