Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Caching paused…


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  • Anonymous

    I’m having some issues when caching my posts. The site has somewhere around 21000 post divided into 7 different post types and 6 different taxonomies.
    I need 1 search form for each post type. So far I’ve managed to cache the posts for the first three but on my fourth form, the caching process stops somewhere around 13000-14000 posts.
    I have tried different combinations of caching speed and transients on the settings page.
    I have pretty high speed VPS-server setup, and for my first three forms I did not have any problems with using the high speed caching.
    Is there a limit on how many post the cache can handle? And is there a way to “force cache” the posts?


    I forgot to mention the main issue with the pausing above. The caching resumes 5-6 times and then I get an error message: “Unable to cache posts” and “Something prevented the caching process from running, you can try again by selecting Rebuild Cache”


    Do you see any errors in the server error logs, and if you switch WP to debug mode, or use query monitor, do you see anything?


    From Query Monitor I get a slow query:

    SELECT DISTINCT meta_key
    FROM shn2017_postmeta
    ORDER BY meta_key ASC


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    Based on the above, as a first step, I would increase the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT to 128M (you can set this in the wp-config.php file) and also increase max_post_vars to 5000.

    If that does not help, I will ask the developer, Ross, to see if he can suggest something. Let me know how you get on?

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