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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro can't activate.


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Shaoning Shi

    Hi I purchased a unlimited version of the Pro. I can activate it on one of my sites (green color active text shows) but can’t activate it on another site (nothing happened), please help. Thanks!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey again

    Are there any obvious differences between setups?

    You server must support CURL in order to activate, however I have also had some users reporting problems when using multisite…

    Let me know


    Shaoning Shi

    No, Actually, I almost copied the whole website to another wordpress account. so, no obvious differences.

    Ross Moderator

    Ah if you copied it over you may have copied over the Search & Filter registration settings?

    I’m guessing its possible there is some conflict.

    Are you on multisite? Have you tried deactivating and reactivating?


    Shaoning Shi

    No. I didn’t copy but re-installed search & filter on the new site.

    The second website is with a different web hosting provider. so two sites two web hosting service providers.

    The one that works shows me the “active””deactive” buttons but the one doesn’t work shows me nothing and it’s always being “activate” button. That’s how I tell the difference between the two.

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