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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search without results return everything


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  • Mitchel van Eijgen

    Hi there guys,

    I’m running into a little problem, while a crushing deadline is around the corner!

    I’ve made extensive use of your amazing plugin for this site and everything seems in order. Until my customer found something strange while testing.

    Of the 8 S&F forms I use on my site, 2 are acting strange. They work fine, except when I use the search field for something that shouldn’t return anything. Instead of returning the no-results template-part (like it does with the 6 others), it returns the everything which was there before searching at all.

    This is happening on my search page and my Woocommerce archive.

    On the search page, I’m using the same (basic) loop as I do on all other pages. Is this okay, or does WP or the plugin want me to use some other loop?

    On the Woocommerce page, all taxonomy filters and the search with results do work.

    Do you maybe know what might be causing this phenomenon?


    Kind regards,


    Trevor Moderator

    We are talking here about the textual search? If yes, then … in the Advanced tab, is Relevanssi checked (ON)? If so, did you install the Relevanssi plugin also?

    Mitchel van Eijgen

    Hi Trevor,

    Indeed, the textual search is the problem.

    Yes, Relevanssi is installed and is set ‘on’ on the search form.
    On the Woocommerce one, Relevanssi is off, because I don’t need the functionality at the moment.

    So the problem occurs on both Relevanssi On as Off settings.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Mitchel van Eijgen
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Mitchel van Eijgen
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Could you check now?

    Mitchel van Eijgen

    @Trevor nope, only when I manually refresh the page.

    Trevor Moderator
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