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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filtering by price problem

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  • Renato


    First of all, I need to say that your SF Pro is great and very useful plugin. Thank you.
    But…I have one problem. My items have more than one price, and for them I use custom fields. How to filtering price for my item by more then one meta?

    Thank you

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    Trevor Moderator

    Each form control can only filter against one meta key. The posts would have to have multiple values in the one field, but this is not allowed for numeric data, only for textual data, so that would not work either. Sorry. Given the nature of your search form, where each field filter selection further narrows the results, I cannot see a way around this.


    Ok, I understand. One more question. How to remove All Items Label? I need to users see terms only, without egg. All Weeks. Thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    You should be able to hide it by Custom CSS, but I am not sure that is a good idea, as the select dropdown needs an empty value as the first choice, otherwise it may automatically select the first value? I am not sure if this would happen.

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    Trevor Moderator

    I just tried, and it will not work. I did a Google search and it does not seem possible.


    I’m not happy about that 🙁

    Trevor Moderator


    I have been thinking. It might be possible. You could either use javascript to remove the first item in the list. The javascript would probably have to look for the All Items value and remove that option from the list. I am not sure how to go about this, but you should be able to find a snippet of code on StackExchange for a jQuery way to do this.

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