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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro query string not updated

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  • Hartley Stone


    I have multiple post meta filters with in the same search form.
    There are two which I am having some issues with:
    2 -Country
    I have custom fields with the countries for each region and with jQuery I hide and show the right one depending on which region the user selects. Everything works fine until after selecting one region and one country the user selects directly a different region. The query string is not reset and it keeps the country which was selected before causing an empty result.

    I will provide you with the url of the page if needed.

    Hope you can help.

    Many thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    This is using custom js that you have written? When the user selects a new region, does the js reset the country also?

    Hartley Stone

    I am just hiding and showing the option field like so:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    regions = jQuery(‘.sf-field-post-meta-directory_region’).find(‘.sf-input-select’).val();
    if(regions !=””){
    if(regions == “Africa”){
    if(regions == “Asia Pacific”){
    if(regions == “Central & South America”){
    if(regions == “Europe”){
    if(regions == “Middle East”){
    if(regions == “North America”){
    if(regions == “Australia & Oceania”){


    Trevor Moderator

    And that works if the user changes the Region? I mean the filters hide and reveal? Surely there should be an onchange test also? And also setting the others back to blank if the region has changed?

    Hartley Stone

    Hi Travor,

    I tried resetting the value to 0 with jQuery, although the page is refreshing and I can’t do a onchange test.

    Do you have any Idea?



    Hartley Stone
    Trevor Moderator

    Sorry, no. It isn’t really my field. I do dabble, and it takes days to do simple things, usually when I stumble upon it. when I do that, I heavily use snippets that I find on StackExchange.

    Hartley Stone

    I have fixed it my friend! Thanks for you support anyway!

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