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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SEO – results not visible in source

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  • Konrad van Grinsven

    Hi, I’m using Search and Filter Pro with the Pinbin theme and have created a results page. It’s working and the test page can be viewed on:

    The problme is that I cannot see the results in the source code which would be lethal for SEO pruposes – is there anything I’m missing / doing wrong?



    Ross Moderator

    Hey Konrad which version of the plugin are you using?

    As will all things Ajax, the results will not be visible until the ajax has loaded – so its not in the source of course.

    V 1.3.0 fetches the results on server side so the initial result set should be visible in the source code 🙂


    Konrad van Grinsven

    Cool, I’m on 1.2.4. Where do I find my license code so I can add it to the admin panel for updates?



    Ross Moderator
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    Konrad van Grinsven
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    Ross Moderator
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    Konrad van Grinsven
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Just emailed you an update which should have the multisite fix


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