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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Breadcrumb Navigation Issue

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  • Andrew Turner

    I have discovered when using S&F Filter on a Product Category page if you click on a filter the breadcrumb navigation doesnt get updated.

    For example, if you visit: and then click on the Scales – analogue filter the breadcrumb navigation is still displaying Home / Products / Lures & baits.

    I appreciate this is partly a Woocommerce/Theme/Template issue but is there anything that can be done to get around this?

    Trevor Moderator

    I will need to ask Ross, the developer, about this and get back to you.

    Andrew Turner

    Any updates on this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Andrew

    2 things to note:

    1) only the area in the results container (the area of the page that reloads using ajax) will be updated with new content, so to have that update via ajax, your results container would need to be larger or you would need to write some custom javascript code that triggers on this event (we have js events for detecting ajax finish)

    2) To test how the logic really works, it would be best to disable S&F. Then you will notice that all your breadcrumbs are lost with any search… because your breadcrumbs work based on the current taxonomy archive… but when S&F searches, it does not take you to the taxonomy archive (check the URL).

    So, to get it working without ajax, you would need to faux implement the breadcrumbs and use this to get the current search data).

    BTW, we are adding support for taxonomy archives in a future update, so this (without ajax) will no longer be an issue


    Andrew Turner

    ok I understand. I tried changing the Results container class to .woocommerce_with_sidebar so it includes the breadcrumb navigation.
    This seems to work when first clicking on a Product Category filter, it updates the Breadcrumb Navigation to just “Products” which is fine. However, when clicking on another Product Category or Brand the page doesnt get updated again.
    Any idea why this is happening?

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using Ajax making these changes?

    Andrew Turner

    Yes Ajax enabled as before.

    Trevor Moderator

    When your Ajax is performed the S&F form is replaced, which is why it only works once.

    To re-initialize S&F on the form, use the sf:ajaxfinish function (see our FAQ page) and then run – $('.searchandfilter') to increase your container to include the breadcrumbs, it will include the S&F form.

    I got this from Ross 😉

    Andrew Turner

    OK I added the following script to the theme but its still not working, there no console errors:

    $j(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    	console.log("ajax complete");
    	//so load your lightbox or JS scripts here again
    Trevor Moderator

    Why is there a j after the $?

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