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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search results dates

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 15 total)
  • Tim Houghton

    Hi there,

    I’m experiencing a strange issue with search results. Specifically the dates don’t display on every item. The pattern seems to be that the first item from a particular date with display a date, but subsequent items with the same date are displayed date-less.

    For example my search results look like this:

    Found 8 results

    Search result 1
    Category: catA, catB
    Date: October 28 2016

    Search result 2
    Category: catA
    Date: October 27 2016

    Search result 3
    Category: catA, catB

    Search result 4
    Category: catA, catB

    Search result 5
    Category: catA, catB
    Date: October 26 2016

    Search result 6
    Category: catA, catB

    Search result 7
    Category: catA, catB
    Date: October 25 2016

    Search result 8
    Category: catA, catB
    Date: October 24 2016

    As you can see results 3, 4 and 6 have no dates.

    Is this by design? Is this a known issue?


    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to share a link to a live page and a commentary as to how to get the results you talk of?

    Tim Houghton

    It’s a bit tricky unfortunately. It’s all account restricted on a client server as well as confidential.

    I’m displaying the search results with a shortcode [searchandfilter id=”23414″ show=”results”]

    And the results look like this:

    (In this example 5 items are dated 27th Oct, 2 items are dated 26th Oct, and 1 item is 25th Oct. You can see how only the first item from each date displays a date.)

    Trevor Moderator

    What is the highest post id you can see on your site (all ‘things’ on WordPress pretty much use the same sequential sequence). For example, you show 23,414, which suggest you have a lot. It may be that the S&F caching process is timing out and so the data set may be incomplete, as that is a lot of posts to cache.

    Without being able to put my hands on the site, it is hard for me to make judgment calls or give more concrete advice.

    Tim Houghton

    This site has been running WordPress since 2010. All the recent IDs are the 20,000 range. The oldest posts and pages have IDs in the 1-100 range. I think there have been several site updates over the years. Every couple of years the ID numbers jump a few thousand, e.g. in 2011 the post IDs jump from 1600 to 3000. I’m guessing there was a lot of importing and deleting posts round about then.

    There aren’t a huge number of total items though, about 400 posts, 250 pages, 100 custom taxonomy items, and 1800 media uploads.

    Have we ruled out some bug related to the shortcode outputs the dates? it really does look like that is the problem. If I change all the dates so each item is a different date I can make all the dates appear in the search results. It seems to be definitely the 2nd – nth occurrence of each date that has it’s date missing. The 1st instance of each date is always there.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Tim

    Glad to hear the site seems to a get regular cull of posts then 😉

    I need to discuss this with Ross, the developer. Something may be more apparent to him than me.

    Tim Houghton

    Just a polite little bump 🙂 because 90 minutes ago I had a reply on one of my other (far less important 🙂 topics.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. He is a bit busy and this thread requires more time than he had yesterday or today. He is trying to get the next release of the plugin out for release.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Tim, Ross took a quick look at this last night (he is now on a long weekend vacation) and he cannot recreate this on his test server, which to me suggests that something in your custom coding is doing this. Without being able to get his hands on the site and the underlying code, this is going to be hard to fix.

    Trevor Moderator

    I forgot to say, Ross says it will be a priority for him once he is back, if you can just figure a way to access it, even if it is on a duplicate staging site.

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