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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Conditional Taxonomy or some other way?

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  • Conor Ashcroft

    Hey guys,

    Looking for some advice as I try and work out a way to use your plugin most effectively. After taking some advice from a helpful chap named Trevor (on these forums), I have created several custom post types so that we can better categorise our content. Our data looks as follows

    FISHING – custom post type
    – FISHING BY SPECIES – category
    – – Bass
    – – Trout
    – – Etc
    – FISHING BY GEAR – category
    – – Fly fishing
    – – Bait fishing
    – – Etc

    HUNTING – custom post type
    – HUNTING BY SPECIES – category
    – – Deer
    – – Bear
    – – Etc
    – HUNTING BY GEAR – category
    – – Guns
    – – Trapping
    – – Etc

    So coming onto Search and Filter. I would like my form to look something like this:

    Search input
    Taxonomy selection (custom post type fishing or hunting)
    Category selection (only show categories of the selected taxonomy)
    Search button.

    So I’ve completed all of the above, except the category selection. I cannot work out how i can setup the category selection box to only show categories of the selected custom post type?

    If I add a taxonomy field to handle this section, it only allows me to select a taxonomy from the list, rather than this be selected dynamically based on what the user selects

    I would be very grateful if anyone is able to advise me on this matter.

    Thank you.

    Trevor Moderator

    On the General settings tab, is Auto Count ON (both checkboxes)?

    And in the field setup in the form UI, have you checked Hide Empty?

    Conor Ashcroft

    Hi Trevor,

    I have now checked the Auto Count option (that was off). And Hide Empty is checked too.

    I guess what I’m trying to wrap my head around is i want a search form whereby the user first chooses the category of posts they want to view (in this case this category is a custom post type, Fishing, Hunting etc). Each of those custom post types have their own set of categories within then. So i want them to choose a custom post type, then in the next box it will show them automatically all the categories within that custom post type only so they can further drill down into the category structure.

    Right now we are able to choose the post type. Done. But when it comes to the taxonomy box, it requests that I choose which taxonomy for which i want the box for – in this case all of them but i only want to display the contents of that taxonomy after a custom post type is selected.

    I don’t know how best to explain this so i’ve done the best job i can. If you have any questions I will be glad to elaborate further.

    Trevor Moderator

    I understand. You want to conditionally show different meta key based fields based on the choice of Post Type?

    The only way I can think of, and I am sure another user has done this is to have a separate control, outside of the search form, that is the Post Type choice, that uses javascript to hide/reveal different search forms.

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