Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro The plugin doesn’t reset the search

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  • Anonymous

    I have a form configured to filter two custom taxonomies, one using checkboxes the other using a dropdown.

    Im using the widget version and filtering WooCommerce products. When I first enter the shop, i get the following:

    As you can see the form has nothing set, and the url is the store’s base url “/shop/”.
    When I activate a checkbox for the plans filter, the contents do get filtered and the URL now shows:


    But then I remove the selection from that same checkbox, the page seems to do an Ajax refresh but the contents stays the same, as do the URL that still contains the navigation to the product category:


    Am I missing something or there’s a problem here?

    Thank you.


    Sorry to insist on this, could you point me to any resource to try solve this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Luis sorry missed this as it was in “general support” moved over to S&F… will check through tomorrow now as its late here.



    Ohh, ok Ross, thank for getting back to me regarding this, since I depend on this for my release I was getting a bit worried.



    Sorry, but I have to insist, any news on this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Luis

    Do you by any chance have a link I could look at? Its hard to guess what is going on.

    When using ajax, if you change some search settings, and click submit, and the results just reload, and the URL stays the same, then this is sounding like it could be a JS error.

    Have you checked the console for any errors?



    You should be able to see it here:

    Im not getting any errors on the console.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Luis

    Thanks for that, it does look a little strange but I think I know what the problem is.

    You must click “use custom template” and enter a filename to a template you wish to display you results.

    The problem is, when you don’t specify a custom template then you leave it up to wordpress/your theme to use a template – so depending on your url different different templates are being loaded which causes the ajax to mess up..

    Let me know when you have done this and I’ll take another look.



    Thank you for the suggestion Ross.
    I’ve tried to insert the template filename, it does behave differently but it still doesn’t output anything. I do see the requests on the console, but they seem to be always retrieving the complete list.

    This is a WooCommerce products list, so i’ve tried with the default search.php and also tried to insert the default WooCommerce search archive page, which is archive-product.php. When I insert the second filename and save the settings, the form clears that input and shows it as blank.

    Any tips?


    I’ve also just noticed that now, no matter what value I insert in “Enter the filename of the custom template:” field it’s value always gets cleared when saving the settings.

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