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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filters Portfolio

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Jake Glasbergen


    It looks like someone else also asked this question. I can not bring up filters for the portfolio categories that I created for each portfolio item. I am using the ‘Flatsome” theme.

    How do we set the plugin up to not only look at the categories an tags in posts?


    Trevor Moderator

    The categories and tags for portfolio are actually custom taxonomies, so instead of using the Category and tag form element, use the Taxonomy element.

    Jake Glasbergen

    Thank you for your reply Trevor.

    How would I go about showing the parent category in the top element and when one is chosen, have the next element show the items underneath the parent? Maby there is a manual but I can’t find it.


    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have multiple top level parents and children inside each?

    Jake Glasbergen

    Yes. To give you an idea, I have say 3 countries (top level). Then underneath each country four provinces (2nd level) then underneath each province 5 cities (3rd level).


    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, then you should have NOT a portfolio-category (a single hierarchical taxonomy), but 3 separate custom taxonomies:


    And with the General tab auto count (2 switches) ON, and hide empty On for each taxonomy, it will work as you want.

    Jake Glasbergen
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Did you make 3 new taxonomies? Using, for example CPT UI?

    Jake Glasbergen

    It looks like I got it to work. Tanks for your help!


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