Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Recommendation

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  • Anonymous

    Can you provide a list of recommended plug ins that I can use Search Filter Pro with. I like the movie usage you have but my need is a little different. I need to have a grid or display of images that I can filter with your tool. Then when clicking on those images it will either open a page with a video or display that video.


    Hi Danny

    Do you mean themes? Or maybe plugins?

    Our plugin filters content delivered on to the page by what WordPress call the loop. Grid builders, carousels, sliders, portfolios, content builders and more are really just loop builders.

    Often, themes have their own, and it is those that we are focused on. So, you choice of theme is often the key. The standard loop simply has one post following the next vertically. This is easy to implement and integrate with S&F Pro.

    Some do ‘grids’. Here it becomes more complicated. Some grid builders are responsive out of the box without resorting to javascript libraries to position and size the elements. By this latter I mean they uses scripts like masonry and isotope. They are quite difficult to get working (but it can be done) with S&F.

    Some grid builders use frameworks that handle the responsiveness for you. The Bootstrap 3 (and 4) frameworks do this. So, any theme that is Bootstrap based should be easier to do this with. The one I use is, and it has a loop builder that uses Visual Composer to build the content layout. Best of both worlds.

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