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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Execute ajax request using javascript?


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 17 total)
  • Ash

    Is it possible?
    I’d like to put one click request button outside of Search&Filter filter/content area to update the result.


    And off-course with custom query parameter

    Trevor Moderator

    In effect, you want to have a ‘Search’ button but not in the form (or in addition to the one in the form). That would simply be a javascript onclick to submit the form, like this:



    Thank you.
    How to set query parameter programmatically before submit?
    I rather not want to show search form.


    Also is it possible to search by post_id?

    Trevor Moderator

    How to set query parameter programmatically before submit?
    I rather not want to show search form.

    You would prefer not to have the search form showing at all? Why not just hide it?

    Also is it possible to search by post_id?

    Not at this time, no (AFAIK). At least, if you mean for the user to be able to select the post ID.


    I would like to put heavily styled navigation buttons(it might be even flyout menu or tabs) and control Search&Filter result container from it.
    Result would be only one.

    Something like ajax page loader with navigation buttons.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, but I do not understand? I think I might need to see a mockup or a lot more explanation, maybe.


    Please see the base structure

    Since buttons need to be styled a lot, it’s hard to use a tab plugin or Search&Filter from.
    (i.e. collapsible child buttons, change to dropdown on mobile device and so on)

    Trevor Moderator

    When the user presses the button, it is always the same ‘search’ for that button?

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