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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Show results in grid

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  • Maxime GIRAUD

    Can you tell me which pages I have to change to display the results in a grid ?

    Maxime GIRAUD

    I am using a Shortcode.

    Trevor Moderator

    Does the theme you are using (which one is it?) have an example grid layout that you wish to make it look like, and can you give me a link to a demo of that?

    Maxime GIRAUD

    Hello and thank you for your interest.
    I use a theme named Gauge.
    Here you can find an example of a page that uses a grid result :
    Thank you for your help.

    Maxime GIRAUD

    Sorry, the example page would be rather this:

    The theme options allow you to display the results in a grid.
    An example here on the website I’m making:

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Maxime

    That layout can be recreated in Search & Filter Pro’s results.php file IF you are using the Shortcode Display results method, as you are. The first step is to make a custom copy of this results.php file. Please read here:

    The next step is to edit that file and replace this section:

      <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
        <br />
        <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
      <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { echo '<p>'; the_post_thumbnail( "small"); echo '</p>'; } ?>
        <?php the_category(); ?>
        <?php the_tags(); ?>
      <p><small><?php the_date(); ?></small>
    <hr />

    With this:

    <section class="gp-post-item post-<?php get_the_id();?> post type-post format-standard has-post-thumbnail category-post-formats" itemscope="" itemtype="">
      <div class="gp-post-thumbnail gp-loop-featured">
        <div class="gp-image-above">
          <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
            <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail( "small", array( 'class'=> 'gp-post-image gp-large-image')); the_post_thumbnail("thumb", array('class' => 'gp-post-image gp-mobile-image')); } ?> </a>
      <div class="gp-loop-content gp-image-above">
        <h2 class="gp-loop-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
        <div class="gp-loop-text">
          <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </div>
      <div class="gp-loop-meta"> <span class="gp-post-meta gp-meta-author">
    	<?php the_author_link(); ?>				
        <time class="gp-post-meta gp-meta-date" datetime="<?php the_date();?>">
          <?php the_date(); ?> </time>

    I cannot guarantee that this will work. It may require some more editing. The read more might require more work to be right for you. On the time part, I have omitted the perfectly correct timestamp from inside the tag, as that would mean I would have to be able to experiment to get that right from within your server. Not something I want to do. You might be able to figure this by doing a recursive search for the key phrase datetime= on the theme files to discover the php that needs to go in between the quotes that I have put <?php the_date();?> in for now

    Trevor Moderator

    Our posts crossed 🙁

    I made the code according to the post from yesterday. Your example link looks like that post’s example also?

    and not like the new example:

    I am now confused

    Maxime GIRAUD

    Hello and sorry if I’m not clear.

    I’ll start from the beginning 🙂

    I bought the Gauge theme and your pluggin.

    My website is composed of “pages”.

    My goal is to offer a search of these pages to visitors, with a result that is displayed in grid.

    I do not think it’s complicated, because in the Theme Gauge, it is possible to display an archive page and choose the format:
    On the demo site, they show a standard layout of archives pages :

    The grid layout is not visible on the demo theme site, so I did it on my website, it is very simple, just a button to activate, and then we have a grid layout :

    As you see, I displayed a left sidebar on the page, with your plugin as widget. I don’t know if it is the right thing to do…

    So now, how do I manage to configure the pluggin to display result as my Archive Page?

    Should I choose “Display results”
    As an Archive ?
    Using a Shortcode ?
    Custom ?

    Do I check “Use a custom template for results” ?
    Should I enter a filename of a custom template ? I set a slug ?

    Thanks for your help !

    Trevor Moderator

    Is it possible for me to log in as an admin to see how it is currently set up? You would send these details by private reply (as this post is).

    In the form setup, which display method have you chosen? To use you own theme’s styling, I think you would have to use the As an Archive method, and then have one of a theme’s template files as the template.

    Maxime GIRAUD
    This reply has been marked as private.
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