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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Always all posts as result, no values in url

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  • Gianfranco

    Hi, I’m using last version of S&F Pro and last version of wordpress, and I have the following problem: everytime I try to search with any filter I’m always getting ALL POSTS as result. I’m using “As an archive” result method.

    But I’ve tried using Twentysixteen template and I get correct results, so I guess is my template issue.

    Also I noticed that when I use my template I’m not getting “?_sft_category=category-name” in page url. I get it with Twentysixteen instead.

    I know there’s an issue with my theme, but I can’t find it. Can you help me?
    Thanks in advance!


    Sorry to bump, I just noticed that my custom template is missing S&F Pro javascript file, and I guess this could be quite a problem 🙂

    How can I add js files to my theme?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi, thank you but there’s no need anymore cause I think I’ve found the error in my template. I have some custom scripts in my template, I’ve removed them and now S&F Pro is working 🙂

    So now I “simply” have to check my scripts to find the error. Thank you anyway 🙂

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