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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Media file as hyperlink

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  • Ramon de Punder

    Hi there!

    I am willing to create a search form on my page However, I am not totally content with the way images are displayed. I want pictures to be displayed as documents (as a hyperlink), no as an image itself. Is this possible?

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Ramon de Punder

    One more question. Is it possible to have a search form on some specific page, instead of in the sidebar on the right?

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Stan

    Q. I want pictures to be displayed as documents (as a hyperlink), no as an image itself. Is this possible?
    A. It depends which Display Results method you are using. If you are using As a Shortcode, then editing the results.php template file can probably achieve your goal. If you are using one of the other Display Results methods, then what appears in the results is determined by your theme and its template files. You would have to customize your theme files.

    Q. Is it possible to have a search form on some specific page, instead of in the sidebar on the right?
    A. I assume that your theme allows only standard placement of widgets in that sidebar, yes? This depends on your theme. If you can create a page, and you have some means of placing a text area, you can instead place the form shortcode (shown in the form design on the right) and the theme may well allow it to work. Again, this is theme dependent.

    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for your fast reply! I already managed to place a second search form on a specific page. 🙂 However, obtaining image results as hyperlinks isn’t working yet. How and where should I edit the results.php template file?

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    You are using the Shortcode Display Results method in the form setup? Did you follow these instructions:

    Do you have a visual of what you want it to look like? Or, do you mean to make the image clickable?

    Ramon de Punder
    #61864, this is the way it looks right now, while this: is the way I want it to look. I’ll have a look at the link you just sent.

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Ramon de Punder

    I tried to fix it with help of the link you just sent, but unfortenately, I can’t find my theme folder at all. I thought I found a list with some of these folders (via Editor), but I wasn’t able to add another folder overthere. Furthermore, I couldn’t find a folder/file called: wp-content\plugins\search-filter\templates\results.php…

    Trevor Moderator

    If you have access to ftp and skype, I will have to show you with screen sharing then (you need a mic or webcam as well).

    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor,

    Is it possible to schedule a skype appointment for this afternoon? Im available from three o’clock and on, is this possible for you?

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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