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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Using S&F with Thesis

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  • Lisa Cerezo

    I’m working with the Pro version of Search & Filter on a client’s website, and I’m having a little bit of difficulty getting the search results page to display the way I’d like. I’m noticing that Thesis created a “Search & Filter” archive template, but I can’t seem to get it to display. If I display the results as an archive but don’t set up a custom a custom page template, it reverts back to the home page template for some reason. I’m currently working on using a shortcode to display the results, but the “Search & Filter” archive template isn’t applying, nor can I select it as a custom template. I think I’m going to create a new custom template based on the one that the plugin created, but I’m wondering if there’s a better way to display these results when using Thesis? (I’m just glad the pro version worked–the free version didn’t display any results at all.)

    You can see what I’m working on here:

    Thanks in advance for the assistance!

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Lisa

    I am guessing you are located somewhere in the USA and it must be about 4AM there right now?

    Using the shortcode (I think the best choice for your theme) it uses our results.php template (from the plugin’s template folder. You can make a copy of that in your theme and then customize it, see here:

    I am quite used to making theme-specific versions for users, if they can provide me with a ‘normal’ archives type page in their theme or site that I can use as a reference. Providing that the reference page does not use Isotope or Masonry, which makes it much harder for me to do.

    If you are a competent coder, I can show you how using Skype.

    Lisa Cerezo

    Got it. That’s exactly what I needed. I’ve had to make similar template customizations for other projects, but if I hit a snag, I’ll reconnect. Thanks so much!

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