Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results page – grid-items are overlapping


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  • Anonymous


    I am using the plugins pro version and I am having some trouble at the results-page. It seems that some og the gird-items are overlapping.

    You can see a screenshot here:

    How can this be fixed?

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards.


    I can only provide support here for the Pro version. Is the screenshot of a page of results using the Pro version? If so, what Display Results method are you using? At some point I am likely to need to see a live page and may be look at the search form setup as an admin.


    Yes, I am using the Pro-version. Here you can see the live-page: I am using your plugin in the header.

    Display Results er set to:
    Display results method: As an Archive. I am using a custom template for results and its archive.php. The slug is


    Does the issue arise after a search and not before?


    Yes it arises after a search.



    So, I see that the results/listings are using isotope. are you using ajax to send the search? If yes, what happens if Ajax is off?


    I am not using Ajax. When I turn it on, search does not work.


    If you load the page and do a search in Chrome, and use the Inspector and look at the console, you will see errors. Curiously, the results look OK. But in Firefox they look bad. It may be that parts are loading in the wrong place? jQuery has to be loaded early and in the header, maybe? The Bootstrap error may need fixing. The map error can be ignored for our purposes.


    You appear to be calling your isotope script too early, and not waiting for all the images to load first. If I do a refresh (where my browser cache now has the images ready) the layouts are then fine. So it is that the grid items get positioned before the images are loaded, so they seem squashed.

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