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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Link user results to user profile.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 23 total)
  • Edward Byrne

    When I filter my users the output is a horizontal display of the relevant users with their avatars. If I click on a user name from this I get directed to an author page.

    I need to be directed to the relevant user profile which is far more logical.

    Is there any way to achieve this outside of redirecting every users author page?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Ed, your results are displayed using a template.

    If you are using Ajax, and a shortcode to display results, then you need to modify the template as per these instructions –

    If you are not using Ajax with shortcode, then your results are being displayed using a template in your theme – you would need to modify this template so that the links go to where you want.

    By default this would be search.php but you can choose any template from your theme by choosing use custom template

    I hope that makes sense?

    Edward Byrne

    Thanks Ross

    It makes sense but please just tell me exactly what to do.

    I can’t find anything in the search.php template which sends clicked links to an author page, nor do I know which other template to choose.



    Edward Byrne
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Edward will take a look at this tomorrow.


    Edward Byrne

    Thanks Ross

    Edward Byrne
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Edward Byrne

    Hi Ross

    Please respond.



    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Edward Byrne

    Hi Ross, I have just done a search filtering taxonomies. This is the results page:

    When I click on the user name Bart I am directed to

    I want to be directed to: by default.

    I also need to sort out the way the results are displayed. This is how they are currently displayed:

    Not very attractive or clear.

    See the dialogue at the beginning of this thread for details on templates. I am not using Ajax.



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