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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search for product attributes, retrieve vendors (woocommerce)


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  • tomsmithmichael

    Hi, glad to try this plugin, which I was invited to install by WC Vendors plugin developers as you’ll see bellow.

    I have the multi-vendor plugin WC Vendors, so woocommerce products are sold by different vendors.
    I need a way of searching via a sidebar for woocommerce categories/ attributes, so it shows the vendors listed, and not the products.

    Anna from WC vendors suggested that~one direction would be to look for one of the advanced search/filter plugins and see if they have an option to sort by โ€œauthorโ€. This type of sorting then could possibly be customized to sort by vendor in the same fashion as author. (please see:

    I am really hoping we will have a way of achieving this together ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you so much for your help,

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Tom

    Great to see the thumbs up from another plugin team ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rather than play a long game of message tennis, is it possible we can share screens on Skype?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Great to speak with you Carlos.

    I will wait for you to speak with WC Vendor and for you to get the code that creates the Vendor field, and also for admin and ftp logins.

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    Trevor Moderator

    Well, we spoke again after I looked at their files. I have a theory. I think that the WC Vendors plugin has enabled Author field for WC Products and then hijacked it and renamed it and given it new options. Maybe. So, I added Author to your form, and given it Vendor titles in the settings.

    You were going to let me know how you got on with that.

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