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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No results (but there should be)

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  • Victor Bakker

    On no results show up. I generate them through shortcode.

    There should be results, because for example I have 2 posts with the dollar tag (zero show up).

    What could be the issue, and more important what could be the solution?



    Trevor Moderator

    I would need to see the form setup as an admin, but before I do that, make sure you have no rules on the Post Meta tab of the form setup.

    Victor Bakker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    Somewhere in your theme/code you appear to have a filter (probably a pre_get_posts function) that excludes the category of Casino’s.

    I removed the Include rule for that category and 7 of the 13 posts showed; the 6 Casino’s category posts were missing.

    I made a new test category and switched the All British Casino from Casino’s to this new category that I made and it shows now.


    Victor Bakker

    Now on the, all the 21 right results show up (casino’s category) and regular blog posts are hidden (through the exclude function in your plugin).
    However, when I click on any filter (tag, custom field or even search), it says there are no results. And there should be…
    I left your user login as they were:
    user: Trevor
    pass: EKsfpt9zfz
    Hope you can help me again…

    Victor Bakker

    sorry, seems to work now…

    Trevor Moderator

    All is good now? Can I close this thread?

    Victor Bakker

    Yes, thank you so much!

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