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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Slow load times in our pages using Search and Filter

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  • davide notarantonio

    Hi, have a similar problem of slow loading in this site, the search & filter loads very slowly while all the other parts of the site load normally

    Trevor Moderator


    The link you provided redirects to and then has a 500 error?

    davide notarantonio

    no, it redirects to a site, maybe there was a server problem, now i see it’s loading

    Trevor Moderator

    Can I get admin logins to take a look at the setup?

    davide notarantonio
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Hi davide

    There is nothing I can see that is obviously wrong in the setup or site.

    The number of posts and pages at nearly 3000, whilst high, is not excessively so. I looked at your server and tested that, from a data center in Milano (to keep distance lag to a minimum), with S&F active and without (for comparison).

    Even without S&F, the site is very slow to load, and well outside Google recommended maximum load times at 6-7 seconds for page load.

    Having said that, with S&F active, another 23-24 seconds is added. I tried by disabling Auto Count (which adds to the load time), but that made little difference. Are you able to add the Query Monitor plugin so we can see what is taking the time? I have a horrible feeling that something on the server is the issue, but we will see.

    davide notarantonio

    Hi trevor, thanks for your work, i tried to make the things you did, with no success.

    I’ve installed the plugin right now

    davide notarantonio

    Once installed the plugin appears this in Search&Filter plugin area:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 146800640 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 44 bytes) in /webzine/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4940

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    davide notarantonio

    Hi Trevor there is an erorr on site load Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in /webzine/wp-config.php on line 35

    i see you commented out some parts of wpconfig.php

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