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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Searchtextfield // No Results Found

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 31 total)
  • Johannes Otto-Lübker

    Hey Trevor,

    This function allready worked great, but i think it broke after the transfer to a new server.

    I use relevanssi and it shows a the right index!
    I tryed to reload the cache but nothing helps.

    What do i want to do?
    I want do search by text for my Posts (downloads).
    But after typing (hdi) for example, it shows no result.

    Could you please check that for me ?

    You allready got an account on my page to take a look.

    Search field on the top left side of my page:

    Thanks again for your help!

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Johannes

    Can you give me the login url (…./wp-admin) and admin logins again here? Those other threads are buried.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I could see a couple of errors, but nothing major, and yet it does not work?

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    try to search for a word that is in the header, for example “Highlights”.
    It allways says, no results found.

    I was also able to search for the taxonomys, that do not work anymore.

    Trevor Moderator

    That IS what I did. You said you moved the domain to a new server? How did you move it? Did you try making a new form?

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    i did it with exporting and importing S&F Settings (and all the others)
    I reinstalled relevanssi and all the other plugins.

    So where i was able to export and (backup) the settings, i did that, otherwisee i just installed the plguins and set the manual to old settings. so there was no FTP transfer or something like that.

    I did try to make a new form, but i got still no results.

    Should i reinstall S&F and relevanssi ?

    Trevor Moderator

    So, you re-built the site manually?

    Is the old server now gone?

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    the relevanssi INdex also looks good, if you take allock.
    It says about 149 Post, that is correct, and all the tags seems to be good to.

    I think it has something to do with the cache?

    If you search for “allgemeine” for example, it shows one result.
    But for “allgemeine” there should be way more documents, becaus of the taxonomy” allgemeine Bedingungen”. I f i select the taxonomy at the combobox (at Dokumentenart), there are 74 Posts to find.

    Johannes Otto-Lübker

    yea thats what i did. But i did export the S&F Settings.

    Yea old server is down

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 31 total)

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