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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Migration to staging/live

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Graeme Boyes

    Migrating the WordPress database loses all settings for filters. When I edit them on the website that the filters have been migrated settings don’t update.

    For example we have created a Search Filter form on local environment. Display results method set to Shortcode, post types to display is a custom post type. When migrated to staging site results method is set to archive and post types ‘post’ and pages are checked. When I try to update said form it will not save my changes.

    If I recreate the form on the staging environment all settings save and display as expected.

    Anything that we are missing or should be aware of? Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator

    It depends how you migrate. I use duplicator plugin and have no issues. But, I have seen as you describe on other sites.

    Michael Ware

    I’m having the same issue. I’ve just migrated both manually and with Migrate Pro DB and now I cannot change any settings. When saving, the page refreshes but none of the settings are saved.

    Any thoughts on how to resolve this? Pretty serious issue for me. Help!

    Trevor Moderator

    I would need to see the error logs and debugging to see what is going on. However, this is not a common issue, but where I have seen it before is when the search form contains a taxonomy that has not yet been created on the live site.

    Trevor Moderator

    As an afterthought, can you compare the Search & Filter Status Report for both sites, especially paying attention to max_input_vars?

    Michael Ware

    Thanks Trevor. That’s exactly the case here. I recreated the form on staging to test, then migrated that to my local version. All seems to be working.
    I appreciate the quick reply.


    Hi, I’m also having this issue. The settings won’t allow me to save anything. I’m not sure how to fix. Can you help?

    Trevor Moderator


    Try recreating the form on the new site and see if that will save?

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