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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Include IDs – is it possible?

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  • Soulstudio

    Hi, great plugin so far!

    I have a question though. I have thousands of categories on my website and I would like to use category search fields in my search form. For example, first category field should have radio buttons with only 2 options. The problem is, in order to get that, I would need to exclude all the categories with Exclude IDs option, except those two. Since I have thousands of categories, this is a huge problem for me. Is there any way to INCLUDE categories which we want instead of excluding them?

    I will sort out my categories better to get a nicer parent-child relations, but still, even in that case, include option would be the best solution for me.

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, on the ‘Tags, Categories & Taxonomies’ settings tab (at the top of the form design) you can include only the ones you want.


    Awesome! Got it, thank you very much, Trevor!

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