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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date Range

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Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Alex Kappel

    [This post is split from this old one: ]


    “Post Meta must be within input range” on a date range setup doesn’t really work for me I think. I also work with events/shows that have a playing period for lets say 3 months.

    I want the users to be able to filter events from and to a date and get all the shows in that period even if the show hasn’t started but starts sometime in that range. I believe thats the big issue now.

    Alex Kappel

    Can I maybe use:
    // Attach hook to filter WHERE clause.
    //add_filter(‘posts_where’, array($this,’limit_date_range_query’));

    For that?

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi, I have split this post from the old one (with a link back) because the other one is so old. If you could explain a bit more what you need, maybe we can look at it for development?

    are you saying you want to be able to have a date range as the input and filter to success hit if the range overlaps the target range, or target date?

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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