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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sorting via Meta Value

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  • a


    I’m trying to make a form that sorts via meta value, however many fields aren’t appearing in the selections available. I see that the necessary tables aren’t being created, from the below message.

    Table <code>wp_search_filter_cache</code> Exists:	✔ 0 Rows Found
    Table <code>wp_search_filter_term_results</code> Exists:	✔ 0 Rows Found
    Total Number of Fields Cached:	0

    I’ve tried installing and reinstalling the plugin both via the WordPress interface and FTP (deactivating first), but it seems like the tables still aren’t being created and the fields that I need still aren’t available for selection.

    Trevor Moderator

    I would need to log in as an admin to see what is maybe happening, and if there is more than one form, which one?


    Thank you for your reply. Is there an email address where I can email this information across?

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    Trevor Moderator

    OK, it is late here now, I will look tomorrow if I can.


    OK, thanks

    Trevor Moderator


    Sorry, busy weekend. Took longer than I expected to upgrade my server to EasyApache 4 and PHP7 🙁

    Sooo fast now. Like massively faster 🙂

    I will get on this today (in an hour or so from now).

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    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I am logged in, but what front end page is the search form on?

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 17 total)

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