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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hide "No Results Match" alert

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  • nicole dreyer-holgate


    Is there any way to hide the message that no results match keyword search when typing in a word please?

    With thanks,

    Nicole 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    Which Display Results method are you using?

    nicole dreyer-holgate

    Wow – thank you for your quick response!

    I’m not sure where that is set.

    I am getting a message pop up when I type in a keyword that is not there – just below the text field box, if a keyword (meta tag) has not yet been defined.

    I have a screen grab if you need more explanation?

    With thanks,


    Trevor Moderator

    Do you have a URL I can see the form in action, and tell me what to do to see the issue you describe?

    nicole dreyer-holgate
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    You want me to enter Floral into the search box? If ‘Yes’, do you have Relevanssi installed and support activated in the S&F Form Setup Advanced tab?

    This is a WooCommerce shop? If ‘Yes’, are you using WooCommerce Display Results method?

    nicole dreyer-holgate

    Yes it is a Woocommerce shop.

    When I use the Woocommerce display results it only brings up 4 designs and the shop front only shows those 4 designs…

    These same 4 designs are brought up in the search results as well.

    The enter keywords area is now saying that there are no entries for any of the keywords.

    the only options are external, grouped, variable and simple ie the product types.

    I have added Relevanssi now and activated it.

    Trevor Moderator

    Is it possible for me to have admin logins? You can send a private reply here.

    nicole dreyer-holgate
    This reply has been marked as private.
    nicole dreyer-holgate

    I’m going to lock that account now. I’m assuming you have gone off for the weekend. Thanks for all of your effort thus far. We can take this up on Monday?

    With thanks,


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