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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hide empty doesn't seem to work

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  • Jesse Petersen

    I’ve put in several taxonomies my client hasn’t populated yet but they all appear on the page.

    I noticed the input fields are in an unordered list, so I’m either looking for a filter for that or going to alter my CSS accordingly, but that’s on me. 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Ahh so the empty ones are still being show as elements on the page but just empty (ie those 3 blank boxes)? If you’ve got a link it would be easier to look at 😉

    Jesse Petersen

    That is what is happening, yes. I’d love to share, but my WP community beat me up for a year and got me to dev locally now. So here is the generated code. (

    <section id="search_filter_register_widget-2" class="widget widget_search_filter_register_widget"><div class="widget-wrap"><form action="" method="post" class="searchandfilter" data-sf-form-id="1267" data-use-history-api="1" data-template-loaded="0"><ul><li class="sf-field-taxonomy-types" data-sf-field-name="_sft_types"><select name="_sft_types[]" class="postform"><option class='level-0 sf-item-0' value='0'> All Types</option>	<option class="level-0 sf-item-39" value='39' data-sf-cr='_sft_39' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Fishing Guide&nbsp;&nbsp;(11)</option>
    	<option class="level-0 sf-item-38" value='38' data-sf-cr='_sft_38' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Hunting Guide&nbsp;&nbsp;(4)</option>
    </select></li><li class="sf-field-taxonomy-location" data-sf-field-name="_sft_location"><select name="_sft_location[]" class="postform"><option class='level-0 sf-item-0' value='0'> All Locations</option>	<option class="level-0 sf-item-42" value='42' data-sf-cr='_sft_42' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Alaska&nbsp;&nbsp;(5)</option>
    	<option class="level-0 sf-item-45" value='45' data-sf-cr='_sft_45' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Florida&nbsp;&nbsp;(1)</option>
    	<option class="level-0 sf-item-44" value='44' data-sf-cr='_sft_44' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Montana&nbsp;&nbsp;(1)</option>
    	<option class="level-0 sf-item-43" value='43' data-sf-cr='_sft_43' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Oregon&nbsp;&nbsp;(5)</option>
    </select></li><li class="sf-field-taxonomy-meals" data-sf-field-name="_sft_meals"><select name="_sft_meals[]" class="postform"><option class='level-0 sf-item-0' value='0'> All Meals</option>	<option class="level-0 sf-item-52" value='52' data-sf-cr='_sft_52' data-sf-hide-empty='1'>Bring your own&nbsp;&nbsp;(1)</option>
    </select></li><li class="sf-field-taxonomy-overnights" data-sf-field-name="_sft_overnights"><select name="_sft_overnights[]" class="postform"></select></li><li class="sf-field-taxonomy-equipment" data-sf-field-name="_sft_equipment"><select name="_sft_equipment[]" class="postform"></select></li><li class="sf-field-taxonomy-base-price" data-sf-field-name="_sft_base-price"><select name="_sft_base-price[]" class="postform"></select></li><li class="sf-field-submit" data-sf-field-name="submit"><input type="submit" name="_sf_submit" value="Submit"></li><input type="hidden" name="_sf_submitted" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="_sf_form_id" value="1267" class="sf_form_id" /></ul></form></div></section>
    Ross Moderator

    Cool will have a look – sounds like it might be a bug – and if so will try to include in the current round of updates I’m working on now 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jesse

    There’s a new update to S&F which might tackle this issue – let me know if it stills there and if poss if you have a link I could look at..

    I’m dedicating a lot of time to doing some more updates this week.


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