Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Movie Demo Questions

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  • Anonymous

    Dear Ross,

    I set up search and filter to filter a custom post type. I use a custom archive-customposttype.php template and ajax (no short codes).

    The basics are working fine, but not exactly as your movie demo: when I click a movie genre in your demo, an archive template loads the corresponding movies and your plugin updates the chosen genre in the filter dropdown as well.

    Could you explain how you sweet it up? Any special gimmicks within your archive.php loop?

    Thanks in advance, Georg

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Georg

    Do you mean so that once you drill down in to an article or page that it keeps the terms highlighted?

    Unfortunately in the demo this only worked with taxonomies – and was kind of by a bug actually – however the newer versions of the plugin do not support this as the bug was “fixed”…

    I will be adding this feature back in though – and making sure it is compatible with all types of fields (author, meta, search box) etc…



    It’s not a bug, it’s a feature ๐Ÿ˜‰
    But I am not sure if we are talking about the same thing.

    If I click on a genre, for example “Drama”, but not within your Filter Plugin, but in one of the movie posts on the left, it opens another archive view with movies just from that category.

    So far, so good โ€“ WordPress standard behavior. But then the magic happens:
    The Filter plugin on the right highlights the chosen category in the Genre-dropdown as well which is great because it makes the user experiences much more consistent.
    Here’s the link:

    How did you achieve that? I am having a similar setup with custom post types and taxonomies.

    Ross Moderator

    Haha Georg yeah we are talking about the same thing ๐Ÿ™ Unfortunately – which means its no longer available unless you want to use an older version (the demo is several sub versions old) – there was a bug in the code that was having this “side effect” – which is nice, but I couldn’t fix the bug without loosing this.

    So yeah, its “fixed” – however I do plan to add this back in properly soon..

    A few users have asked for it so I’ll look at hopefully including it in the next couple of weeks after the current update I’m working on.



    Ok, thanks for the info. What a lovely bug! I think it’s a great feature because it feels like Search&Filter is deeply embedded into WordPress.

    I have to demo a website for a client on tuesday so could you point me to the old version? Maybe I am implementing the old version for the time being.

    Having this as a regular feature in a future version would be awesome.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Georg

    I will email you version 1.8 tonight – I think this is where it got “fixed” :/



    Thank you so much!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Hans

    I just saw this post and realised I forgot to forward you a previous version – I’ve just emailed it to you ๐Ÿ™‚


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