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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Color, multiple fields

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  • Guillaume


    I’ve just purchased the pro version, thank you for this great plugin.

    [Trevor redacted private information]

    I have three questions:
    – What is the CSS to change the color when you hover within a dropdown list? I would like to change the blue color

    – I have used three different Category fields (because I want them to be separated) but by doing that, when I select a category from a field, other categories selected in other field disappear/reset…

    – When no result is found, the page returned is the one when no article has been published, prompting the user to write an article… I want it to return the page when research finds nothing, inviting the user to change their research

    Thank you so much!



    just to be clearer on the first question, I found the CSS to change highlight for combo box (.chosen-container .chosen-results li.highlighted) but I can’t find it to change highlight for dropdown list
    => See the first dropdown on the left which allows the user to sort the search results

    Thank you,

    Trevor Moderator


    I think this might be better to resolve the main problem first. If you find yourself wanting to put more than one category form field, then your data structure is wrong. Instead, you need to use custom taxonomies to separate what you held in the one category taxonomy. You can use a free plugin called CPT UI (Custom Post Type UI) to do this.

    Then, when you have done this, let me know so that I can look at the form again. The CSS I can see on the form is this:

    select option:checked, select option:hover, select option:focus {
        background-color: #D20005;
        background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(20%,#D20005),color-stop(90%,#D20005));
        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        background-image: linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        color: #fff;

    Add something like this to your Custom CSS (change the colors as you need, I have left them as they are in this example):

    .searchandfilter select option:checked, select option:hover, select option:focus {
        background-color: #D20005;
        background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(20%,#D20005),color-stop(90%,#D20005));
        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        background-image: -o-linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        background-image: linear-gradient(#D20005 20%,#D20005 90%);
        color: #fff;

    Thank you.
    I have now only one field for categories, other fields are for custom taxonomies, the 2nd problem is now fine.

    3rd one is fine.

    As for the 1st one, I have searched everywhere on the web and it seems google chrome (webkit) doesn’t allow to change highlight on a dropdown form…
    => I have updated my css as you suggested but still not working on chrome (ok on other browsers though)

    Do you have any idea?


    Trevor Moderator

    As our plugin develops, we will add scripted versions of dropdowns. We currently have one script to run combo boxes (chosen I think), the next version will have 2 scripts for this (we will add select2) and I think these allow more control, but they are combo boxes.


    Ok thank you. Very fine to use combo box, it’s just that as of today in the “sort options” field, there is only radio or dropdown as a choice, no combo box…
    => Right now i am stuck with dropdown, will wait for new version of plugin then

    Last question:
    When I select a category / taxonomy from my menu, it updates fine the search and filter form.
    BUT when I select an author, eg :
    => Form isn’t updated

    I think it might come from the fact that when clicking an author is the search and filter form, the URL returned is:
    => AuthorS with an “s”…

    How can this be corrected?

    Trevor Moderator

    Authors are different from other fields, and this is a result of how WordPress handles them 🙁

    Let us say you have 6 authors in total, but in Category A there are only 3 authors. You expect if you select Category A the list of Authors would be come 3, but instead it will stay at 6. At this time, we cannot change this.

    The same applies to trying to autodetect an author from the url.


    Thank you for your multiple answers.

    Just so that we are clear on what I want to achieve: basically I just want the feature “Detect defaults from current page / Author Archives” to work

    The archive for the author “Adam” is
    => But this isn’t detected by the plugin
    => My guess was that the plugin uses the URL instead of (but I might be completely out of line here)

    So basically today, the “detect default” never works with an author archive? On no wordpress website?

    Trevor Moderator

    By combo boxes, I see you have used these on the form (the ‘chosen’ type), are you saying that these also cannot be styled in Chrome? For example, the Author box is just so.

    I will ask the devs about authors.


    No no, combo box can be styled in Chrome.

    It’s just that for the “Sort Order” field, combo box can’t be chosen… only 2 options are “radio” & “dropdown” (and you don’t have the tick box “make combobox” in the admin panel)

    For all other fields, when you select “dropdown” or “multiselect” in input type, the “make combobox” options appears, which is great because you can then override the style even in Chrome

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