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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results only show 2 posts

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  • Stephanie Bonnet


    I have installed the plugin and configured it to the best of my ability. However, after having built the cache a couple of times, I can see that there are many posts indexed but only 2 ever show up in the results.

    If you go to you’ll see that France for instance on the left hand side says 72 posts but if you run a search on France, it only returns 2 posts.

    Can you help?


    Trevor Moderator

    On the General tab, do you have Auto Count enabled?

    Stephanie Bonnet

    No because I didn’t want it to be shown. I have just enabled it now to see if that solves the problem but no, there are still only 2 results showing even if you choose France which has 72 posts.

    Trevor Moderator

    Auto Count doesn’t display the count, that is controlled in the field settings (the Display Count checkboxes). It makes sure things are working right and in normal circumstances, should always be enabled.

    Anyway, I think I need to see the form setup, which means I need admin access. You can send this using a Private reply.

    Stephanie Bonnet

    Yes, I can see now that the horizontal display works that the settings can’t be right. The horizontal display form now shows that only some categories are picked up by the form even though in my settings, I have selected many more.

    Sending you login details in a private message.

    Stephanie Bonnet
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    That login does not work 🙁

    Stephanie Bonnet
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I looked at the form. You have 2 x Category fields. You can only have category once on the form. The same with tags. So, the data needs restructuring (in the posts) so that you have one form field per data field (taxonomy or meta). The only question is whether you need to use custom taxonomies (for example use CPT UI plugin) or whether you need custom fields (use ACF plugin), or a mix of both.

    Trevor Moderator

    We can talk (voice or video) using Skype if you want to discuss this, as this will be quicker. I assume you are in a similar timezone to me (UK)?

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