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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display

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  • Grosvenor

    We have a few multiselect combo boxes within our Search and Filter widget. When the Search Operator on these individual multiselects is set to AND (the default), then, when I go to my WordPress page and try to search for multiple items, the items display/show in the combobox when the results are loaded.

    However, when I set the Search Operator to OR, then the functionality works just fine, however, on my WordPress Page, the multiple items I’ve selected disappear from the combobox when the results are loaded. Do you know why this is the case? We need them to persist so that the user can either continue to add to what he’s already selected, and also to show what search/filter options the results pertain to.

    Please let me know when you can. Thank you

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Tina

    Can I see the search page?


    Hi Trevor,
    Unfortunately it’s on a private internal network, so I can’t send you the URL. I can send you any specs you need though…just let me know. Are you not able to replicate the error? When I switch back to search operator ‘AND’, they display exactly as expected in the combobox after results are loaded. When I change it again to ‘OR’ they disappear. One more thing to note is that the general Search Operator (between all Search & Filter Fields, defined at the top) is set to ‘AND’. Doesn’t make a difference (tried changing this to OR), but thought it was worth mentioning.


    One more thing to note – if I keep the Search Operator as ‘OR’, and select only one option, the option displays within the combobox when search results show up. If I add more than one option, both options disappear from the combobox when search results show up. It seems as if the ‘chosen-choices’ ul is emptying out all of its <li class=”search-choice”> entries.


    One more thing – if I change this from a multiselect to checkboxes (search operator still set to OR), then the chosen options remain checked, as expected. The options disappearing only seems to be a problem with the multiselect combo box.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, but from the descriptions I cannot visualize what is going on, nor what you are trying to do. Moreover, without a setup identical to yours, it is not possible to replicate. A good reason not to use local servers to develop 🙁

    The only other alternative is for you to use Skype and show me your screen?


    Yes, can we use or something so i can show you my screen? let me know a time that works well for you. Also, are you able to send me a working demo of a multiselect combobox being used with Search Operator set to ‘OR’, where the choices selected are still visible in the combobox after results are displayed? I’m thinking this could be a bug, so maybe if you’re able to recreate the same field you’ll either see the same thing, or be able to show me a working demo of this example.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    You are 6 hours behind us, so 9AM your time is 3PM here, so 9AM – 11AM for you would be fine for me. Maybe we can cover both threads?

    Trevor Moderator

    I didn’t see you mention It might work. It usually fails on my system, which is why I use Skype. You need a mic/webcam and speakers and things get quite a lot easier.

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