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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results only appear for text search

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  • Jayson Winters


    I’m trying to use the shortcode option for displaying results but only get results for text searches not searches by category.

    I’m using the default results.php file at this stage that I have copied from the templates folder and put inside a folder called search-filter

    I wondered if my problem might be the same as #46499.

    I can provide a log into this staging area if that would be useful.

    Can you help please?


    Trevor Moderator

    logins would be good, using private reply.

    Jayson Winters
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    OK, sounds like you need the developer version of the plugin. The current version sometimes can’t find categories in posts (I checked and your form is not actually counting any posts with any category). Can I send it by email? Reply with a private reply with your email address.

    The install the update that I will email to you, by following:

    1) disable S&F (do not delete via wp-admin)
    2) via FTP upload and replace the existing S&F in – wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/
    3) enable S&F via wp-admin

    Jayson Winters
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    You have mail

    Jayson Winters

    I’ve done that.

    I did notice that whilst the zip file was labeled as 2.1.3 the version number wasn’t updated in the plugins page from 2.1.2.

    Have just tried a category search and still getting 0 results unfortunately.

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you rebuild the cache? And yes, it will show still as 2.1.2 but you can see a new menu option called system status.

    Jayson Winters

    Hi Trevor

    Yes I rebuilt the cache. Still only getting results for text search and no results count appearing next to categories.

    I did upload the version you sent me but don’t see ‘system status’ anywhere.

    I set up another test:

    Which is displaying results counts but is also not returning results.


    Trevor Moderator

    I looked at the admin, this is still the old version of the plugin 🙁

    Can you check?

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