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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Styling Dropdowns

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • mcguffin

    How do you style the dropdowns to look the same. Currently the category dropdown is styled differently than the other filter dropdowns (date, title, etc.).


    Ross Moderator

    Hey mcguffin do you have a link? Still working on updates should be ready soon (and adding in much better pagination 😉 )

    Ross Moderator

    Sorry just to add, they should all look the same (the dom structure should be identical) the only thing is that the fields get different classes applied (such as .sf-field-category) to allow you to style it easily – apart from that they should be the same.

    Unless… you are talking about a combobox? In order for a combobox to be a combobox then it uses a JS plugin called chozen which adds its own styling in order to achieve the extra functionality.


    Yes it was the combobox. I forgot I set it to combo while testing. I won’t be using it so its not an issue. Thanks


    Is there a way to use chozen for all the select boxes without it being a combo box?

    Ross Moderator

    Unfortunately not..

    There is probably some JS you can add to your theme that will initialise them – let me have a think and see if I can get some code for you.


    If they where wrapped in something like <label> or a div I think they could be styled with css. That would also may be need for a js solution.

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