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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dropdown to pick Results Template not showing up

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  • Matt Soppelsa

    I went to add a new search form to a site that we are currently using Search & Filter Pro on, and when I went to select the new results template in the sidebar dropdown, the dropdown isn’t there. This was working before any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


    Trevor Moderator

    You need to check in the browser console to see if there any javascript errors.

    Matt Soppelsa

    Thanks! After doing more searching/reading I found out that I could just name the result template the name of the search form ID and it worked perfectly 3401.php

    Trevor Moderator

    Can I mark this as resolved and close the thread? I am sorry I did not see this possible solution; it is late here.

    Matt Soppelsa

    HAHAHA! No worries, I totally understand. The issue is resolved.


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