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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to remove dropdown items

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  • riseup


    I’ve bumped into an interesting scenario.

    Please take a look at the Search and Filter area at the top of Notice that each drop down selection item has a count value next to it. However, on the “Stage Experienced” drop down, notice that there is 1 selection item with a count of 0. This should not be the case. Basically, there should not be any selection item that is 0.

    So, what happened? I deleted a post that had that specific selection item for “Stage Experienced.”

    Question: How do I ensure that all selection items has a count of 1 or more? There should be no line item that is 0.

    Please advise. Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    Again, the in the Search and Filter form settings, in the form element for that dropdown box, do you have hide zero results enable? also, in the main settings, do you have auto count on?


    Thanks! Resolved.

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