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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Not sure why the Search Term is not displaying in search results

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  • riseup


    My site is

    Notice the search and filter area at the top of the page. Type in “sally” in the Search Box. Click Search button. There should be 1 post that results…it should be the post titled “New 1” because in the “New 1” post, there includes a doctor’s name called “sally.”

    For some reason, it seems as the search and filter function is not recognizing the name “sally”. Can somebody kindly advise? Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator

    If sally is not in the main content of the post, it will not find it.

    Instead you need to use Relevanssi to index the custom fields. You would need to install Relevanssi and enable that to search ALL custom fields (the is a single setting field in Relevanssi where you enter the word all), build the index, and then enable Relevanssi support in Search and Filter pro Advanced settings.


    When you say “Install R…” are you saying that I need to install the following plugin?

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, install that. It is free.


    I was able to do this. Thanks and this is resolved!

    Thank you.

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