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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Formidable fields missing

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  • Asbjoern Andersen

    Hi, thanks for a brilliant plugin – extremely useful! However, I’ve got some meta fields created with Formidable Forms that I cannot for the life of me find anywhere in S&FP. Any idea how to do that?

    – Asbjoern

    Trevor Moderator


    Can you reply to this using Private Message?

    I would need to see the form itself to be able to take a look, and for this I need admin login credentials to your site (login url/user/pass).

    Asbjoern Andersen
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    Asbjoern Andersen
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. Now I see. You are using formidable forms to add fields to the User Profiles?

    Unfortunately, Users are not post types; they have their own special, secure, table in the database. As such S&F cannot search user fields 🙁

    Only user specific plugins, such as UserPro, can do this, through their own special search forms.

    Unless I misunderstand and these fields are NOT attached to the users?

    Asbjoern Andersen
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    OK. I think I understand. You have a form that the user enters data into. But what does the form do with that data? I have had a good look and it does not appear to be stored as fields attached to Portfolios?

    Asbjoern Andersen
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Asbjoern Andersen
    This reply has been marked as private.
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