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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Categories not paginating

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  • Tim White

    1. I’ve got the filter working nicely with Ajax, pagination works on the first page when no filters have been applied.

    However, once filters are applied and the results are shown, anything beyond page 2 shows ‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’

    This is the URL that shows:

    2. Is there an easy way with this plugin to show the user what search terms they have entered? Some sort of search “bread crumbs”?

    3. How can I clean up the URLs? I’ve put /insights into the ‘Set a slug’ field, however I’m still getting ?_sft_ each time a filter is applied.

    Trevor Moderator


    I can answer (I hope correctly) some of the questions.

    1. Your site is password protected, so I can’t see that link (you can reply as a private reply with credentials). What Display method are you using and does the method you chose ask for the results container and pagination class (or something like that) and did you set them or check to make sure that the default values were correct for your theme (inspect the HTML of the page you gave to see)? What theme are you using?

    2. Not an easy way. The only potential way to do this would be to have tracking cookies and then somehow use that data. Not easy and not doable by me/us 🙁

    3. At this time, you cannot, as the search cannot work without them. I do not know if another way can be found for the future, but for now that is how it works.

    Tim White
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Tim White

    Hi Trevor,

    Any chance you’ve been able to have a look at this?

    Trevor Moderator


    Sorry that your reply slipped through 🙁

    The pagination selector, looking at the page, I think should be the default:

    .pagination a

    If that does not work, are insights a Custom Post Type and is the URL you gave the archives page for that CPT? If so, did you also try the Post Type Archive display Method?

    Tim White
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I will need to discuss this with Ross, the developer. One of us will reply after we have discussed this further.

    Tim White
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I have marked that private for you. He is not at his desk right now, I am waiting for him to get back in so we can talk this through.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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