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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to exclude pages?

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  • Julius Miribung


    Right now if no filtering option is chosen, the filter shows also pages like “contact” ect…,
    but I would like to use the filter only for certain pages.

    Is it possible to exclude pages from the searchfilter? How?

    Thx for your answer!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Julius

    Unfortunately there is not at the moment, I’m adding a new feature where you can set up a lot of defaults for the plugin, and I think incl/exclude pages would be a nice addition.

    This will come in an update in the next two weeks – however I’m not sure if I will have time yet to integrate this addition – but I will put it on the list for sure!


    Julius Miribung

    YESSSS do it 😀 😉

    Julius Miribung

    Just another SHOUT OUT to include this option soon in an update
    (to be able to exclude pages or posts from the filter… maybe by ID or so…)

    Julius Miribung

    Hey Ross, just checking by to fire you up for the coming update 😉

    Julius Miribung
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Julius

    Still working on this update :/ It allows much more than just page exclusion, but exclusion/inclusion of pages, categories, taxonomies, meta data – so its quite big but working away on it 🙂

    I don’t know anyone to hand for the customisations but let me have a think on it I have some programmer friends I can ask.


    Julius Miribung

    Hey Ross, waiting hard on the update…. 😉

    How is it going , are you proceeding well ?

    Ross Moderator

    All good Julius, it will be out later today! 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Its live Julius!! 🙂

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