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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro No posts displayed & background processes disabled

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Ataollah Etemadi

    I created a site with some test posts and ACF data. I added S&F and just created a simple Category drop down and submit button. When I select “All categories” and click submit, 20 results are correctly displayed. However, all individual categories show (0) as the posts count. Selecting for example Finance -> Ecommerce, and submitting displays no results. However, if I select the same sub-category from the normal WordPress categories menu (in the top bar) it correctly displays 2 results. I have read the FAQ and I am using shortcodes for the search, so hence why I am contacting support.

    There maybe also something wrong with the S&F caching system. I think the two issues are related hence why I have that in the topic. It always displays:

    Notice: Running background processes is either disabled or has failed in this environment.
    Therefore you must leave this page open to complete caching.

    I have tried changing the settings e.g. fast with and without “Use Background Processes” and I get the same error message. Needless to say I always stay on the page for caching to complete. I have tried everything. I thought it may be ACF that was causing the issue so I completely removed that plugin, and still the same problems persist.

    I did find something weird. After I deleted ACF, I added “Posts Meta” to the Search form UI, and select Choice, all the ACF meta keys are still there at the bottom of the pull-down. That’s probably ACF not cleaning up after itself.

    I am running WordPress 4.4.2 with Divi theme on cPanel (all latest versions), and I bought the pro version of S&F earlier today. My site is password-protected. I can send you the login details by private message if you tell me how.

    Trevor Moderator


    If you can reply to this message here in the forum (not by email as that doesn’t work) and check the Set as private reply checkbox you can send me the login details. The user you send me must be an admin for me to see Search & Filter Pro forms, and if it is a multisite install, it would need to be a super admin. How many posts do you have?

    Ataollah Etemadi
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I think what I said in this reply (posted a few minutes ago), might also apply to you:

    Trevor Moderator


    Ross took a quick look 🙂

    The cache issue is caused by the Apache login you have, which is invalidating the session the cache needs to work properly. So, the first thing would be to remove that.

    As to Divi in general, Ross says we have no specific problem with Divi in shortcode mode, so you and I may need to work together, maybe over Skype, to resolve this if the Apache login is not the problem.

    Ataollah Etemadi
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I have sent a contact request to you on Skype, but if you can give me a while to do some other work and get lunch?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ataollah

    I took a look and got it working 🙂

    To be honest I can’t pinpoint the problem, but it seems like there was some error with your existing search form.

    I deleted it and created a new – and all seems to be working out fine.

    The only time I notices odd issues like this is when people have moved server ie from dev -> live, and depending on how the site or search forms were moved this can sometimes cause an issue – is this possibly the case with your site?


    Ataollah Etemadi

    Thanks! Now I will first try that solution if the same thing happens.

    I set up WordPress from scratch on this domain, and then added the Divi theme and Divi builder etc. then ACF and I added some ACF fields, and finally I installed search & filter, in that order. I then changed some of the ACF fields. That is the only thing I can think of that was out of the ordinary, but I didn’t think that could make any difference. I will re-install ACF and try again and see if that is the culprit.

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