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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro body_class for filter page

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Kirsten Schelper

    Hi there!

    I’m running out of ideas.

    I am using Search Filter Pro with the Archive method. I’ve got everything working, but there are some CSS issues I need to address.
    The only way in this case would be to insert a body_class that indicates on which page I’m on. But I can’t figure out how to do that.

    The body classes that appear on the pages with my filter are those of the index page (in the settings I choose a custom template and set a custom slug).
    So the page doesn’t identify itself als an archive or a page whatsoever, it claims to be the index.php.

    How can I insert a body_class for my filter page?
    Conditional tags don’t work at all, I think, I need some magic here.



    Ross Moderator

    We’ve got you covered!

    function add_body_class_to_search_filter($classes) {
    	global $searchandfilter;
    	//this will apply to any Search Form using archive method
    		$classes[] = "search-filter-class";
    	//this will apply to a specific Search Form using archive
    		$classes[] = "search-filter-class";
    	// return the $classes array
    	return $classes;


    Kirsten Schelper

    Wohoo! You made my day.
    Works splendidly!


    Ross Moderator


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