Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro fatal error, line 54

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, last weekend I updated some of plugin, unfortunately, after then my site doesn’t work good. For example, if i want modify any site, post or configure settings in your plugin, i have information:
    “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare recurse() (previously declared in /wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/search-filter-pro.php:54) in /wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/search-filter-pro.php on line 54”
    Could you help me in this problem?

    Ross Moderator

    Ah yes, I believe you have the Types plugin?

    Both that plugin & S&F both load a custom polyfill function for a function that is not supported in older PHP versions, however I believe the Types plugin does not check to see if exists first before declaring it.

    Therefor if Types is loaded after S&F you will get this error.

    Considering that despite the above, we’re all doing it wrong anyway, and using a polyfill instead of prefixing our global function names – I went ahead and fixed this in the beta version of S&F.

    I’ve just emailed this to you – let me know if it works (and if you were indeed using the Types plugin)!



    thanks for your fast reply.
    I deleted last version S&F (2.1.2) and instaled 2.1.3, but the problem still exist. I see the same fatal error
    I using the , Types plugin.
    Becouse i’m not quait well specialist of it, could you tell me, what i must do, step by step?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    It sounds like maybe you didn’t upload the latest version correctly. Follow these steps:

    1) Disable S&F (do not remove, otherwise you will lose your search form)
    2) Via FTP, delete S&F folder from the plugins folder
    3) Unzip the file I sent you
    4) Upload search-filter-pro to the plugins folder

    It is not possible to get the same error again if you have updated the plugin because the function recurse no longer exists in S&F – from your error message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare recurse()



    you’re right, because I removed the S & F via WordPress, not via FTP.
    I will try to do it again according to your instructions. thanks for the help
    I’ll let you know how it works


    unfortunately, still it doesnt work, now is error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare search_filter_php_recurse() (previously declared in /wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/search-filter-pro.php:54) in /wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/search-filter-pro.php on line 54


    You must know that previously, at the first time I removed the S&F via WordPress (and I lose my defined search form)…

    Ross Moderator
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    you need admin details to WordPress or FTP?

    Ross Moderator
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