Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Group search results by starting letter, number

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  • Anonymous

    I want to create a search results layout where they are grouped by starting letter, like in this example:

    Is there a way to accomplish this? I’ve found some solutions that perform this function outside of the loop (solution example), but when I use that, s&f does not produce any results.

    Do you have any idea how I might set this up?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Boris

    I’m afraid this is not possible…

    I had another user try to implement this, and their workaround was to create a custom taxonomy and manually assign their posts to taxonomy terms like A, B, C etc.

    There could be a way to automate this, which is to automatically add your posts (when they are saved/published) to the correct taxonomy terms – but this would be some custom code.

    I can point you in the right direction – this seems like a good starting point:

    I guess you would check the starting letter of the post title, and assign taxonomy based on that.

    I hope that helps.



    Hi Ross,

    I’ve experimented quite a lot, but can’t get it the way I want. A major problem is the fact the your results.php renders separate divs for each result, instead of for instance a ul with list items. How can I change it so that a ul with list items for each post is generated?

    Thank you!


    From the documentation (I think this is what you want):

    Customising the Results

    If you wish to customise the display of your results, you must override the default template that is being used by Search & Filter:

    Create a folder in your theme folder called search-filter.
    Copy the file wp-content\plugins\search-filter\templates\results.php from the templates folder in to the newly created folder in your theme – wp-content\themes\your-theme-name\search-filter\results.php

    From now on, Search & Filter will load this version of the template instead of its own – so you can make any customisations that are necessary.


    Hello Trevor,
    I can find that in the documentation. My problem is that I don’t know how to output a ul with each result as a list item using your custom query. I tried, but the result I get is that each search result is a ul with one li item in it, instead of a single ul with each result as a li item. Ross let me know he could help me get that running. Perhaps you can ask him?



    Ah. If you edit the results.php file that you copied to your (child) theme folder, you will find this code in the middle of it (I have edited it a bit to compress it, but it looks somewhat like this):

    while ($query->have_posts())
    <?php /* echo get_post_mime_type(get_the_ID()); */ ?>
      <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
      <p><br /><?php the_excerpt(); ?><p>
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
      echo '<p>';
      echo '</p>';
      <p><?php the_category(); ?><p>
      <p><?php the_tags(); ?><p>
      <p><small><?php the_date(); ?></small><p>
    <hr />

    Try replacing that with this:

    <ul class="custom-sf-results-list">
    while ($query->have_posts())
    <?php /* echo get_post_mime_type(get_the_ID()); */ ?>
      <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
      <p><br /><?php the_excerpt(); ?><p>
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
      echo '<p>';
      echo '</p>';
      <p><?php the_category(); ?><p>
      <p><?php the_tags(); ?><p>
      <p><small><?php the_date(); ?></small><p>
    <hr />

    Not sure if that will work.

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