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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results showing all items

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 22 total)
  • André Forte

    Hey there, I will try to explain my problem the best I can so you can understand.

    I have a search/filter form for a custom post type, the items in the post type have categories and taxonomies attached. The search form is filtering with taxonomies and post meta. The items are categorized hierachical having parent and child categories. In the search/filter form I have a specific category included (so it search only in that category). So now my problem, when I’m filtering for example from a taxonomy “brand”, when I select a certain brand and submit, the results showing up are the results for that brand but for all the categories and not only the one with the category I included in the options.

    Hope you understand my problem, am I doing something wrong or the plugin can’t handle this? Is the solution for me creating individual post types for each category?
    Thank You, Andre Forte.

    Ross Moderator

    Hmmm I think I follow, do you have a link I could look at?

    Have you looked at the option “detect defaults from current page”?


    André Forte

    I’m working locally so I can’t give a link.

    I’m including the category at “Tags, Categories & Taxonomies” tab, and I tried to exclude all the categories but the one I one with no luck aswell.

    I’ve never heard of that option nor I could find it, where is it and what does it do?

    Thank You

    André Forte

    And I’m using display as a shortcode by the way.

    Ross Moderator

    Its in the “general” tab, at the bottom, if you don’t see, you’ll likely be on an old version of S&F.


    André Forte

    Ohh. I see now… I was looking for something different, I tried and ticked “Tags, Category & Taxonomy Archives” but the problem occurs anyway. For this option I have to use like category archive? or can I use the sortcode like I am now?
    Another thing I didn’t mention is that when the page first loads the results show up the items from only the category I want, it’s just when I want to filter things it mixes up the items.

    Thank You

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Andre

    Do you have a link I could look at?


    André Forte
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I will be taking this topic over from Ross. Can you confirm what the results URL is, and that it is not a localhost address?

    André Forte
    This reply has been marked as private.
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